Friday, October 30, 2020

Hello World!

 Hi everyone. This is our new blog.... 

We'll be posting our writings here along the week. 

The criteria for the writings is as follows:

    * Content: 3 pts. Suitable information about Cajamarca/Peru using the correct amount of vocabulary (not repeating the same words over and over), using adverbs appropriately.

    * Language: 3 pts. Using the correct tenses. Using the correct order of words within the sentences. Using connectors and spelling of words. 

    * Layout: 2 pts. Clear paragraphing, using titles, fonts, attractively accommodating the content in the page. 

    * Reader: 2 pts. Understandable and makes sense using the language we have already seen in class, basically. 

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  Hi my name is Victoria and going to tell you about the food and the driving  in Lima.  The food So, I travelled in october 25th, the first...