Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 Hi, I´m Alex


Today I will talk about of Cajamarca, my city. My city is really beautifully, the people are very funny and friendly, the culture is very rich and the typical dishes are really delicious.

The people are very conservative and like to celebrate holy days, for example: Corpus Cristy in July, “el día de los muertos” (similary to México) in November, and “La Virgen de los Dolores” in October.

The culture de Cajamarca is very interesting, because Inca Atahualpa died in the hand of the Spanish, taking the gold and silver.

In the holydays Cajamarca is visited by a lot of tourist and everyone is welcome. The holiday more famous is “The Carnivals”, is really big, because we celebrated for all one month. Here the parties are endless.

You can visit Cajamarca and learn the history, gastronomy, culture and your people.

You can see a blue sky, breathe fresh air and taste the benefits of Mother Nature.

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